European Election Coverage With Tommy And Rebel Media.

On Thursday the 23rd of May, the British public were asked to vote for the people they wanted to represent them in the European Parliament. This is only because our ineffectual and incompetent politicians could not or would not respect the will of the referendum result, we wanted out, too many politicians wanted to stay in.

Britains exit from the European Union has been delayed by six months due to a domestic political stalemate in parliament. The remaining 27 EU nations were kind enough to give Teresa May a six-month extension so she could “think about” the United Kingdoms withdrawal from its corrupt criminal syndicate.

We voted for “out” we didn’t vote for a deal, because of the delays we as a country had to partake in another European election. What could the disenfranchised and ignored British public do?

In rides , a working-class lad with a reputation of political incorrectness and the required tenacity to punish the snobby, classist political system the British public have been enslaved to.

No more!

Tommy took his message directly to the working class, and in a lot of cases to Labour strongholds.

The working-class have been disenfranchised, ignored and taken for granted way too long, Tommy energised them and made a direct appeal. It was a call that touched on many different things, Islamic Extremism, the insufferable EU, the dirty politics of the far-left and their direct links with powerful and influential trade unions. He also rebuked the “identitarian group politics of Labour” that hurt the working-class, he pushed back on the snooty, sneering classists of mainstream political parties with their friends in media and made a case for a European Union without UK involvement. We want our country back, we need to be a fully independent sovereign nation once again.

The working-class love Tommy, they can see through the media lies and misrepresentations of him. Tommy has given it his absolute all, as did his campaign team, his message resonates with them, and now our politicians know that for sure! Tommys reach, and influence has only grown, even though he has fought this battle against what appears to be impossible odds, he has a significantly reduced online presence due to big tech and governmental censorship, that means he’s “over the target.”

The political class don’t like truth-tellers, they much prefer obfuscators and liars to represent their disingenuous, nefarious and insidious agenda.

Tonight we will find out how well Tommy did, one thing is for sure, he has awoken a sleeping giant within the working-class, it is something that should scare political elites, this is just the beginning of draining our very own political swamp.

Our good friends at Rebel Media will be live streaming as results come in and Tommy will be there with them, so please do check out the link above, we have also embedded the video link at the top of this article, it will go live in just over 4 hours time.

Please feel free to share the link to this TR News page!

Good luck for tonight Tommy, the working-class are proud of you, they are rooting for your success because you have made them politically aware, you have empowered them, energised them, and in doing so you have given the forgotten many a voice again.

