How do Pennsylvania voters feel about Trump for 2020?
The economy grew faster than expected, putting GDP up 3.2% in the first quarter. CNN’s Miguel Marquez went to Erie, Pennsylvania, to see how much […]
The economy grew faster than expected, putting GDP up 3.2% in the first quarter. CNN’s Miguel Marquez went to Erie, Pennsylvania, to see how much […]
CNN’s Anderson Cooper gives Lara Trump a history lesson after her comments about the “downfall of Germany” on the Fox Business Network. Watch On YouTube
In an interview with Breitbart News, President Trump said he has the support of the police, military and “Bikers for Trump” and warns that “it […]
India’s trash mountains are a fetid symbol of the country’s plastic problem Its alleys are spotless, its drains regularly washed down with water and its […]
A tsunami that hit Pandeglang, Serang and South Lampung, Indonesia, has left dozens dead and hundreds injured.#CNN #News Watch On YouTube
Noa Pothoven: Dutch teenager’s death ignites debate over euthanasia In her autobiography, Pothoven wrote that she had nothing left to live for. Last week, after […]
Christopher Gibbs, an Ohio farmer who voted for President Donald Trump, tells CNN’s Kate Bolduan he doesn’t understand why farmers must make the sacrifices in […]
Putin and Xi show a unified front against Trump in St. Petersburg The Kremlin released photos late Thursday of Putin showing Xi around his hometown, […]
Former White House press secretary Joe Lockhart, who served under President Bill Clinton, debated with ex-Clinton special prosecutor Ken Starr about Robert Mueller’s on-going investigation. […]
CNN’s Chris Cuomo spars with GOP Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows of the House Freedom Caucus following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s […]
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