CNN’s Manu Raju interviews House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s 2019 Fiscal Summit. #CNN #News
Nancy Pelosi is full of s*** our country you don't give a s*** about our country you proved it you don't want the wall what's 6 years ago you wanted to build the wall you idiot you are full of s*** and you're a disgrace to America and you should get off office but you have no brains you in Chuck are spawn demons this woman has no brains to think for herself she is a follower she follows fools
I bet it was hard for her not to have a drink during this interview.
Hey Toots, hows your impeachment case coming along?
You can't pull a "Vinny Gigante" on us on your way to the GITMO TRIBUNALS & PRISON BARGE CRUISE
Orange is the new [blue] choose life ~ Bet Midler…
Polosi is too old, too stupid and too senile to even be a girl scout leader, much less the speaker of the house.
I'm embarrassed that she's even an American.
Anyone that would vote for trash like her belongs in a totalitarian socialist prison.
Godless, mindless, leftist, democrat faggot trash.
Raju failed here, big time!
Raju failed here, big time!
Pelosi is a mentally ill person.
Democrats love illegal immigrants only for their votes and nothing more.
Title this video: CNN reporter can't get Trump off his mind.
with men marrying men and women marrying women and with women aborting their babies in three more generations there will be no more democrats left.
trumps right when he said she was a disgrace to her family. if i ever saw my mom or grandma speak in front of millions while drunk, i'd hold my head down in shame. notice when she was asked about trunp's criminal actions she said she wasn't going into that? that's an easy brush off for her saying that they can't prove anything
Nervous Nancy And her lies just like the CNN full of Faulse News And lies working fore the Democrats
Pelosi; you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. You’re a liar you clown
Pelosi is so full of crap! They haven't done any work since they got the house. They continue to bash the president and make accusations instead. When are the news media going to tell the truth about spygate? When are the criminal Democrats going to be picked up by the SWAT team? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The bravery of men for others stupidity and cowardice…most would say , the Mueller types went to a. Certain death …all during a "low " in CIA OPERATIONS …and the greatest beach Normandy the sacrifice….the greatest ….the greatest what ….the all time low of the human race pathetic speaking and communication didn't allow you to see and HEAR HITLER….your greatest beach campaign in ww2 is the rezult of the lowest babbling in histlry ….your law makers didn't save the country …most say you almost destroyed it …talking worthless ego issues ….just like now Nancy talks like a 9 year old girl …it's cute to a certain point …she is not getting a fucking thi ng done in real time…you see they all are afflicted by not i am working non stop …i am working to keep my celebrity status …i am still relevant….work results make one relevant or not …as these politicians bullshit and dance as drunk babbling clowns slurping off greek fantasies …the people do not have …and tge people work …you are all fucking yapping talking ceaselessly but for shit results …so when you look at ww2 it is your failure not your greatness in ww2 …a moment of silence to remember your failure to fight a demon called pride ….pride made you not humble to hear …just speaking just .."i am saying " never what you comprehend from what you heard …just i need to say ….i need to talk….i need the attention for a moment …Nancy is a good person ….but the last tbi g the country needs is to watch fuckers like.Nancy Pelosi fighting mitch McConnell in the most gay expensive fight in all history …two slow ass rich in money idiots arguing…fuck nigger i saw enough of that shit as a kid two adults arguing over nigger nothing problems while real life and death is happening in real time …now in the prime of my life to get the most critical done … Watching old rich fucks that get paid to talk can't fucking listen to save their lives or anybody else's ….ww2 your failure as politicians to find peace .. Ww2 failure of military to see evil rise and cowardice …military it's not your problem …then you waited you were mislead by leaders tgen you got more tgan a couple mlion jews slaughtered not to mention all the toughest men you could muster up …so you are even getting the observance wrong of fallen soldiers ….they died because of politicians failure … Now you have old career politicians battling a failed entertainer …while the people work ….no you politicians will do better or the earth core will harvest your entire families , to get real work done in real time
Nancy Pelosi, you and your democrat crew in the House are holding our country back and the people know it.
Come on CNN you got to be the enemy if you can't say it tell this lady is drunk come on Des she is either on drugs or drunk
Pelosi needs to impeach
Orange Man NOW or RESIGN.
Orange Man Bad he helped expose the corruption in Hillary's email's
Bad Bad Orange Man.
Please start the impeachment of Donald J Trump. He wants it . That would fire his base up beyond belief. And the Senate will note vote to remove him. He does not care about a little slap on the wrist. We would love him even more ! Are democrats born with an IQ deficiency ?
Looks and sounds like Pelosi had many alcoholic drinks before this interview, she's so sad. TRUMP 2020
But Pelosi is off her rocker!!
Manu was unprofessional and rude for keep repeating the trump drama… and pelosi's body language (not looking him in the eye at all throughout interview) was a little overboard for a reaction..or maybe she is just rude. Very disturbing interview.
It will backfire on you
Seriously, wtf is with the hand movements of these idiot politicians? They be kings and shite.
jeez, this is the one, people are supporting? (even tho they dont give a shit about anyone)
unreal…this one can't even say what Trump has done wrong. None of them can….Are ya all insane?..YES
This guy Manu Raju interviewing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pissing her right off! He just wanted to quiz her on the "I want to see him in prison" statement. She clearly did not want to address that – OR talk about trump in general FULL STOP. Her prerogative. Stupid man was super slow to wake up. No wonder she just about turned her back on the fool and addressed most of what she said to the audience.
WTF. She is just running her mouth.
Why is she protecting Trump? That's a good question to ask her.
she is
freaks. .. Nancy is a fruitcake
Chairman Pelosi was using great patience with Manu. Manu has always done great reporting from the White House, but the questions were pre-writen without room to alter his interview. He was respectful, but, slightly badgering in his youthful approach to interview the Chair of the house. One thing about this incredible young man is that he will look at this historical interview and reflect on his input. He will interview the House Chair again…He will have grown and developed into a fine interviewer!! What I would have done is: once Speaker Pelosi said: "I don't want to talk about…" He should have then thrrown the papers in his hand, over his shoulder and said: these damn papers, got to go! Then to the Speaker: He could have said: "Speaker Pelosi, let's talk about what you want to talk about!!"
There is no way by all accounts that Russia did dnc didnt turn over servers to determine by all accounts! The only account is that hilliary paid for steel dossier was used to meddle in our election but that meddling was in hilliarys favor not Trump
You and all fake stream media has been making bad statements about him while he is overseas! President did not attack you Nancy he responded to your constant attacks! All she mentions President Trump is trying to succeed but Democrats are obstructing all of it getting done!
Nancy Pelosi is full of s*** our country you don't give a s*** about our country you proved it you don't want the wall what's 6 years ago you wanted to build the wall you idiot you are full of s*** and you're a disgrace to America and you should get off office but you have no brains you in Chuck are spawn demons this woman has no brains to think for herself she is a follower she follows fools
I bet it was hard for her not to have a drink during this interview.
Hey Toots, hows your impeachment case coming along?
You can't pull a "Vinny Gigante" on us on your way to the GITMO TRIBUNALS & PRISON BARGE CRUISE
Orange is the new [blue] choose life ~ Bet Midler…
Polosi is too old, too stupid and too senile to even be a girl scout leader, much less the speaker of the house.
I'm embarrassed that she's even an American.
Anyone that would vote for trash like her belongs in a totalitarian socialist prison.
Godless, mindless, leftist, democrat faggot trash.
Raju failed here, big time!
Raju failed here, big time!
Pelosi is a mentally ill person.
Democrats love illegal immigrants only for their votes and nothing more.
Title this video: CNN reporter can't get Trump off his mind.
with men marrying men and women marrying women and with women aborting their babies in three more generations there will be no more democrats left.
trumps right when he said she was a disgrace to her family. if i ever saw my mom or grandma speak in front of millions while drunk, i'd hold my head down in shame. notice when she was asked about trunp's criminal actions she said she wasn't going into that? that's an easy brush off for her saying that they can't prove anything
Nervous Nancy And her lies just like the CNN full of Faulse News And lies working fore the Democrats
Pelosi; you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. You’re a liar you clown
Pelosi is so full of crap! They haven't done any work since they got the house. They continue to bash the president and make accusations instead. When are the news media going to tell the truth about spygate? When are the criminal Democrats going to be picked up by the SWAT team? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The bravery of men for others stupidity and cowardice…most would say , the Mueller types went to a. Certain death …all during a "low " in CIA OPERATIONS …and the greatest beach Normandy the sacrifice….the greatest ….the greatest what ….the all time low of the human race pathetic speaking and communication didn't allow you to see and HEAR HITLER….your greatest beach campaign in ww2 is the rezult of the lowest babbling in histlry ….your law makers didn't save the country …most say you almost destroyed it …talking worthless ego issues ….just like now Nancy talks like a 9 year old girl …it's cute to a certain point …she is not getting a fucking thi ng done in real time…you see they all are afflicted by not i am working non stop …i am working to keep my celebrity status …i am still relevant….work results make one relevant or not …as these politicians bullshit and dance as drunk babbling clowns slurping off greek fantasies …the people do not have …and tge people work …you are all fucking yapping talking ceaselessly but for shit results …so when you look at ww2 it is your failure not your greatness in ww2 …a moment of silence to remember your failure to fight a demon called pride ….pride made you not humble to hear …just speaking just .."i am saying " never what you comprehend from what you heard …just i need to say ….i need to talk….i need the attention for a moment …Nancy is a good person ….but the last tbi g the country needs is to watch fuckers like.Nancy Pelosi fighting mitch McConnell in the most gay expensive fight in all history …two slow ass rich in money idiots arguing…fuck nigger i saw enough of that shit as a kid two adults arguing over nigger nothing problems while real life and death is happening in real time …now in the prime of my life to get the most critical done … Watching old rich fucks that get paid to talk can't fucking listen to save their lives or anybody else's ….ww2 your failure as politicians to find peace .. Ww2 failure of military to see evil rise and cowardice …military it's not your problem …then you waited you were mislead by leaders tgen you got more tgan a couple mlion jews slaughtered not to mention all the toughest men you could muster up …so you are even getting the observance wrong of fallen soldiers ….they died because of politicians failure … Now you have old career politicians battling a failed entertainer …while the people work ….no you politicians will do better or the earth core will harvest your entire families , to get real work done in real time
Nancy Pelosi, you and your democrat crew in the House are holding our country back and the people know it.
Come on CNN you got to be the enemy if you can't say it tell this lady is drunk come on Des she is either on drugs or drunk
Pelosi needs to impeach
Orange Man NOW or RESIGN.
Orange Man Bad he helped expose the corruption in Hillary's email's
Bad Bad Orange Man.
Please start the impeachment of Donald J Trump. He wants it . That would fire his base up beyond belief. And the Senate will note vote to remove him. He does not care about a little slap on the wrist. We would love him even more ! Are democrats born with an IQ deficiency ?
Looks and sounds like Pelosi had many alcoholic drinks before this interview, she's so sad. TRUMP 2020
But Pelosi is off her rocker!!
Manu was unprofessional and rude for keep repeating the trump drama… and pelosi's body language (not looking him in the eye at all throughout interview) was a little overboard for a reaction..or maybe she is just rude. Very disturbing interview.
It will backfire on you
Seriously, wtf is with the hand movements of these idiot politicians? They be kings and shite.
jeez, this is the one, people are supporting? (even tho they dont give a shit about anyone)
unreal…this one can't even say what Trump has done wrong. None of them can….Are ya all insane?..YES
This guy Manu Raju interviewing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pissing her right off! He just wanted to quiz her on the "I want to see him in prison" statement. She clearly did not want to address that – OR talk about trump in general FULL STOP. Her prerogative. Stupid man was super slow to wake up. No wonder she just about turned her back on the fool and addressed most of what she said to the audience.
WTF. She is just running her mouth.
Why is she protecting Trump? That's a good question to ask her.
she is
freaks. .. Nancy is a fruitcake
Chairman Pelosi was using great patience with Manu. Manu has always done great reporting from the White House, but the questions were pre-writen without room to alter his interview. He was respectful, but, slightly badgering in his youthful approach to interview the Chair of the house. One thing about this incredible young man is that he will look at this historical interview and reflect on his input. He will interview the House Chair again…He will have grown and developed into a fine interviewer!! What I would have done is: once Speaker Pelosi said: "I don't want to talk about…" He should have then thrrown the papers in his hand, over his shoulder and said: these damn papers, got to go! Then to the Speaker: He could have said: "Speaker Pelosi, let's talk about what you want to talk about!!"
There is no way by all accounts that Russia did dnc didnt turn over servers to determine by all accounts! The only account is that hilliary paid for steel dossier was used to meddle in our election but that meddling was in hilliarys favor not Trump
You and all fake stream media has been making bad statements about him while he is overseas! President did not attack you Nancy he responded to your constant attacks! All she mentions President Trump is trying to succeed but Democrats are obstructing all of it getting done!