A federal district judge has told the accounting firm Mazars it will need to turn over Donald ‘s accounting records from before he was President to the House Oversight Committee. CNN’s Kara Scannell and Manu Raju report.
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To hell with that liberal judge.
Love that, “grab him by the bank records “ so true, so true.
I argue that a sitting POTUS is not required to turn over his tax records unless the IRS decides to investigate him.
Trump will appeal this to the SCOTUS.
It is Congress's prerogative to pass a law requiring that candidates for POTUS put their tax returns in the public domain. That law cannot be made retroactive, however.
This Democratic party are a big bunch of whinning little Bitches, a bunch of Pussies, you think they'll get the message. Or do I need to draw them pictures. We do not care about President Trump's Taxes, when then are we the people going to start seeing the Democrats Taxes. What's good for one is good for all. I'd Sue The Bank For Everything. Bankrupt Them.
LOL!! donald thinks he can say lies and silliness like "he is the most transparent president our nation has ever had…"
Oh, learned judge !
Who pay the judge
Let us see ALL taxs on all Congress and state officials anyone in public office even the floor sweeper
look at all these vile libtards bahahaha still your president idiots
That shows complete lack of trust by Congress of the IRA and Taxation. If there were any grounds, why didn't Mueller go down this path. This is disgusting. Where are all the bank statements of all Congressional Members and Senators. Is this Judge another Obama appointed Judge?
Go on trump you dough.nut .
Hand them over
Legitimate reason: We the people of the United States of America voted them in, We the people decide what goes and what doesn't, not some Putin appointed president and his lackeys. Also Trump went to court, then he says it's not the court's decision?! LOLOL
A judge who is a staunch Democrat donor and a supporter of the "monkey". COLLUSION!!!!
So when it's Republicans harassing a Democrat president is called oversight but when it's Democrats overseeing a Republican president it's called harassment. I'm a Republican and I have to say I can't stand this latest iteration of the Republican party. These hypocritical, sycophantic cucks make me sick.
Al Capone was finally brought to justice and thrown in jail not because of his criminal empire and mass murders, but due to Tax Evasion..ww might be about to witness something similar here 🍿
Since Democrats want to see finical records so bad why don't all the democrats release all their finical records as well. Or do they have to much to hide their self?
The House is not Congress!
thank you judge,good job!
this is ridiculous political grandstanding, this isn't newworthy and your rating are showing it.
given the fact of the garbage quality for the trashy democrap candidates for 2020, libtards realizing that trump will crush them all even more easily than crooked hillary, so they are trying to get rid of him in advance, but that guy is genius, no one can beat him, they will come out as losers again
how many of you ever made a $1.00 and didn't report your .22 cents to the Gov. you are a bunch of stone throwers
who mostly all live in glass houses. If you can't connect with that meaning, well then, there's just no hope for you.
हमको पता मोदी छू नही सकता
Good! I hop they stir fry the orange chicken!… You mean the "Orange Orangutan" (see Bill Mahar)
How can someone lead you if you can't trust them. Prove to us that you deserve our trust, not just say it. If you cheated and lied for gain you do not have the right to make policies for the millions of people you represent.
Must have been the 9th circuit again !! Oh CNN how fake thee are !
Trump…….you'll win so much…..you will be tired of winning!!!!! Hmmmm, Trump you lied!!!!! Again.
This is bullshit. Just think what these jackholes would be able to do to any American, if they can do this to the POTUS.
there is nothing in the constitution that says he has to he should tell democraps to mind there own business it is no business but the Presidents and nobody else and I think that we the people should have Shumer,, Pelosi, and the rest of the retards show their returns you idiots should be willing to do that but I guess I would be wrong.
Reporter, "huge win", be able to "review these records"… WHy?? There was NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION, except CNN, HRC, and the Dems with Russia! Yes, think about that. Hillary deals with Russia(enemy of their own classification) and sells them OUR URANIUM ILLEGALLY!! It really seems that the Left/Dems/Progressives really want to DESTROY AMERICA with their witch hunts. Rather than build on the proper policies FOR 'we the people' , the Dems tear everything down, EVEN OUR HISTORY!! The Dem party WILL go down in history as the worst group of subversive anti-American thugs in history.
It should be realized that the Leftwing party is being CONtrolled by rogue unlawful hidden agenda's purped by even foreign handlers, and bought politicians, and they, the left, are so deluded they can't see the facts, EVEN WHEN PRESENTED BY THEIR OWN INVESTIGATORS aka Mueller AND the AG!!!
The MSM IS the enemy of the people. The Democratic party has ALWAYS been the party of slavery, KKK, foreign sellouts etc. THAT IS HISTORY!! LOOK IT UP!!
Sad that when America is being built up, wealth brought back, jobs created, taxes lowered, peaceful intentions for and from foreign countries etc is in the works, that the Left Dems want to TEAR IT ALL DOWN!! WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING???
If you hate Trump, fine, hate away, but DON'T DESTROY OUR COUNTRY BECAUSE OF YOUR HATE. Look at the actual policies being driven. Look at the crowds with smiling faces. Would you rather be drowned in regulations, poor, penniless, your right to speak what you will taken away, the 2nd right to protect yourself, stuff, and family if needed taken away??? If you wish to be slaves to a rogue un-American government, "YOU" can just give all your stuff to the gov, but DON'T tell US we have to do the same, because that is NOT what America was created to be, and is NOT lawful according to the founding docs/laws. Have you even read those docs??
Interesting how some say hate speech is a crime, yet the left screams hate everyday, all day long, and even hurt people and break their properties because of their hate…
Hypocracy at its worst!
Millions of Democrats are, and should .
Put aside the hate, and think of what can you do for your country.
America under tRump's presidency, “The Syphilis Years.
the judge is a democratic stooge ….
Mr President… don't give them any shit !! you have 100% my support….
Trump you will be destroyed you would have been better of not running for president . the world is watching how you will be humiliated . sad for you.
He does not have to comply with that Judge by law. Cumming is a Democrats piece of shit that should not even be in congress, he is pure scum and a waste of tax payer money !! Here check this out !! You'll love this >>
I don't like the way the congressional reporter is framing this. He keeps saying it's a win for Democrats, calling them Democratic subpoenas. It's not Democratic subpoenas. They're congressional subpoenas. It's not a win for Democrats, it's a win for Congress and congressional oversight.
LMAO! Didn't we learn anything from the Mueller Report??? Fake news.
no one is suprised white house turned into a outhouse with all the crap coming from it. as far as harrasment goes you reap what you sow dosen't feel good to be on the recieving end does it?
Oh I guess that when you called Hillary Clinton crooked you did not look in the mirror did you Donald you know what you do in the dark always comes to the light, and remember when you throw dirt at someone it comes back as mud in your face.
Trump wins again PA Rally pays off Fred Keller Republican wins 12 the district landslide real news not fake