was visiting Barrow, his experiences there changed him, he sees life anew, and he has nothing but love for the left, they are hilarious!
Please do not make fun of the mentally ill and incapacitated as they have been drinking kool-aid, a drink which is freely distributed by powerful Trade Unions and marketed by their long-time partner Nazi Inc.
Warning: Drinking “Trade Union Kool-Aid” can cause adverse side effects such as…
Mental incapacitation
Nervous breakdowns
Frothing at the mouth
Repetitive speech
Loss of memory
Body convulsions
Screaming voice
Love for Communism
Hallucinations of goose-stepping leather clad brownshirts
Respect and appreciation for Sharia Law
Eroticisms that lean towards Stalinism
Dry-Humping lamp-posts
Poor hygiene and scruffy appearance
Tooth decay
A loss of libido
A craving for soya
Shrivelling manhood
Oily hair
Hatred of diverse thought
And finally – bunions.
If you want to get involved, then please seek out your nearest Trade Union representative and join the borg today!
Or you could just VOTE TOMMY!!!!