
ISLAMIC ATTACK: What REALLY Happened Yesterday in Oldham.

Three weeks in and Tommy’s campaign took a sinister twist when he arrived in Limeside.  There were concerns that there would be trouble when he landed in Oldham, but Tommy had specifically chosen to stay away from Muslim areas and to give his speeches in predominantly white working-class areas to avoid potential flashpoints.

In all the towns and cities he has visited on his campaign trail so far there has been very little trouble, a few milkshakes have been thrown here and there as few courageous unwashed Antifa rejoiced as they incited confrontation, their punches landed like a bag of feathers.  In all of these confrontational situations, violence has been stopped before it has had a chance to escalate.  In most cases, the handful of skinking, grimy, toothless Antifa soy-boy agitators have been mostly white.

Despite politicians, community leaders and faith leaders publicly stating that Tommy ‘is not welcome,’ the reception he has received is overwhelmingly positive from regular, decent working-class Brits.  Those politicians, community and faith leaders fail to comment on why people in their community turn out in such numbers to hear what Tommy has to say for some reason?

Families gather to listen to his speeches, shake his hand, maybe get a hug from him, and of course, everyone wants a picture in what is usually a very positive atmosphere.  Tommy speaks for working-class people who feel that political parties have passed them by, that is why the political elite fear him.

The mainstream media, as we repeatedly see, have a problem with telling the truth, especially if the truth harms their preferred narrative. The lack of reporting (outside of alternative media) on what really happened in Oldham is all the proof you need.

The police escorted the masked up Muslim Defence League thugs to where Tommy had set up his makeshift stage and a massive screen to give his speeches. The good old boys in blue then passively allowed the baying Muslim mob to launch bricks and bottles at peaceful members of the public, including women and children, while they stood and watched.  Members of the public who may not have been supporters; just people that wanted to hear what a candidate had to say – the very basis of democracy.  A democracy, the political class and media seem unwilling to defend.


Now just for a minute imagine if the English Defence League had marched their supporters to an event that had been organised by a Muslim candidate for say the Labour Party and Muslims with their families were gathered to listen to his or her speech.

Do you think the police would have escorted the English Defence League and stood by while they screamed ‘Muslim scum off our streets?’ Do you think they would have stood by twiddling their goddam thumbs while Muslims were being attacked?

Do you think mainstream media would have reported that there had been trouble at the Muslim event and not mentioned who caused all the trouble as they have in this case? Some ‘journalists’ have not even suggested that the Muslim Defence League were in Oldham and so leaving the reader to wrongly infer that the trouble was created by Tommy and his supporters.

The Muslim Defence League attacked the police too, and that is when the police fought back.   Throwing eggs, bricks and bottles at the residents of Limeside doesn’t warrant any police intervention it would seem, only an attack on the police does.

The police walked these masked up thugs, who knows how many were tooled up with weapons other than the bricks and bottles.

If the police had not been attacked how close to Tommy would they have made it?  Like I said the campaign really took a sinister twist, it could have ended with Tommy lying in a pool of his own blood while police stood by and allowed it to happen.

This confrontation was clearly organised, the police helped to make that confrontation happen.

It truly is a sad day when you realise and have the video proof that the police are on the side of Muslim thugs and their useful idiots, not the white working class people of Great Britain and their families.

Is it any wonder that the children in these towns and cities have been gang-raped with impunity while the police, the politicians and the press ignored it?

The people of the North West need to vote for .  The political establishment and their media minions have shown their hand – now its time to show yours. Do your bit and place a big beautiful tick next to the name of on the 23rd of May.

Vote Tommy!

